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Contact Information

  • Gladys Robinson

    Phone: (505) 833-7540 ext. 57511
    Fax: (505) 243-0416

  • Health Assistant
    Phone: (505) 833-7540 ext. 57512
    Fax: (505) 243-0416


If you need help signing up for Medicaid please contact the APS Medicaid Enrollment Office.

  • Brian Bolding
    Phone: (505) 855-5261
  • Christina Almansa

    (505) 855-5261

Medical Services

Students who are ill should remain at home. If a student becomes ill or is injured at school, he/she should report to the health office. If the nurse determines that the student needs further treatment, or should be sent home, a parent or guardian will be contacted. In order to keep students safe, special health conditions and contagious diseases should also be reported to the health office.

Medications at School

A prescription letter, signed by a doctor, must be presented to the school nurse before medications may be given and retained in the nurse’s office. All medications, whether over-the-counter or prescribed, must be brought to the school nurse's office. Parents must sign a form for over-the-counter medications or provide a healthcare provider's order for a prescription. At the end of the school year, all medications need to be picked up by the parent or they will be destroyed and discarded following APS policy.

The Health Room does NOT carry Tylenol, or ibuprofen for student use. Please call the health office if you need more information or have any questions about these.

Forms for Medications at School

You can download these forms and take them to your doctor to be completed. They are also available at the school. They can be faxed back to the health office at 505-243-0416, or you can send them back with your student when they come to school. In addition to the Physician forms, there are also forms for parents to use if they would like to keep non-prescription medications for students use while at school. Also please fill out a student allergy form if your student has a life-threatening allergy that requires he/she to receive additional treatment at school and or need a special diet provide from our school cafeteria.

Keep Contacts Up to Date

If your child is ill or injured it is essential the nurse's office be able to get in touch with a parent, guardian, or other emergency contact. If your phone number changes, please make sure the school nurse's office is informed of the correct contact numbers. Remember, if we can't contact you, we need to be able to contact someone. Please keep phone numbers up to date.

Ways to Prevent the Spread of Viruses

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Use an alcohol-based (60%) hand sanitizer, if soap and water are not available
  • Cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth
  • Practice good health habits
  • You should not go to work and your child should not go to school if you or your child have a fever of 100.4 or greater
    • Before you return to work or your child returns to school there should be no fever for 24 hours without medication

UNM School-Based Health Centers

UNM School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are located at several schools around Albuquerque. SBHCs will see APS students for immunizations, medical care, case management, behavioral health, and dental care. They see ALL APS students regardless of insurance or immigration status. Appointments are recommended. Click the file to find out more information on how to contact a SBHC.

COVID-19 Information

Virtual Learning

Reporting Positive COVID-19 Cases

Please remember to contact School Nurse or Principal if you (staff or parents) or your student are COVID positive and in isolation and/or quarantine. The reasons for this are mostly so that we can support you and make sure we coordinate contactless materials distribution (delivery by hand or by mail) so you don't have to leave isolation/quarantine to come to the drive-by pick up. This is also so that I can do frequent check-ins with you to support your family with information and resources in light of the fact that due to overwhelming numbers of cases the NM Department of Health is no longer conducting daily follow-up calls to positive cases. And finally, the other reason is that if you have been on campus during the time of your illness or two days prior to your symptoms we will need to coordinate school closure and disinfecting.

Get registered to get your COVID-19 Vaccine, fill out your information with the New Mexico Department of Health.

Contacting the School Nurse

If you need to reach the nurse during virtual online learning you may call 505-833-7540 ext 57511. If the nurse is not available please leave a message. Messages will be checked daily. You may also email any questions you may have to Glenda Hightower.

If you have questions regarding COVID-19 please check the APS website and the New Mexico Department of Health website.

Once students return to school on campus, all students must wear a mask, and a daily COVID-19 symptom checklist must be completed by the parent every day prior to sending students to school. Keep this checklist handy, so you can check it daily before sending your child to school.

When a Child is Too Sick For School

If you answer yes to any of the questions below, please do not send your child to school. Contact a medical provider or call the COVID Hotline at 855-600-3453, then notify the health office at your child’s school.

  1. In the past 24 hours, has your child experienced:
    • Fever ≥ 100.4
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Fatigue/tiredness
    • Cough
    • Nausea/vomiting
    • Muscle/Body aches
    • Sore Throat
    • Diarrhea
    • Headache
    • Shortness of Breath or difficulty breathing
    • New loss of taste or smell
  2. Has your child recently been in close contact with anyone who has exhibited any of these symptoms? #BBD0E0 »
  3. Has your child recently been in close contact with anyone who has exhibited any of these symptoms?
  4. Has your child recently been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19?

Source: CDC Screening K-12 Students for symptoms of COVID-19

New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH 2020-2021)

School vaccination state requirements are still in force if students are enrolled in online studies.New Mexico Department of Health requires that all children are up to date on vaccines and can show proof of vaccine to ENROLL AND ATTEND school. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent closures of some businesses, some parents may have had delays in getting their child's most recent vaccinations. We have enrolled your student in school and now need your help in getting his/her up-to-date vaccine record. Visit the Vax View NM website to view and print your record.

If you need help scheduling an appointment, finding a shot clinic or have any other questions regarding your child’s vaccines s please call or send an email to the health assistant.